Monday, September 17, 2012

OverDrive! layout to finished inks!

Some of you are aware that I write and illustrate my very own comic book- OverDrive! Here is a sneak peak at a few pages from the first chapter and how I go from layout, to final pencils and inks!


I haven't done any intentionally finished drawings in a few months, it's been a year of plenty of sketching and learning, but I miss having finished pieces. To get back into the swing of making them I did a Night-Wing piece last night! Check it out.
Initial Pencils
1st Inks

Final colored with Copic Markers

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sequential Portfolio Practice!

With ComiCon coming up, I've been all the more excited about building up my sequential portfolio. Then I realized how much practice I really need >_< So I've been going back to some of my favorite comic pages that have made an impact on me over the past year and re-creating them to take myself through the process and try to understand the composition and decisions made by the artists. First up is a page from The Amazing Spider Man "Big Time" by Humberto Ramos and of course, property of Marvel Comics. This is my attempt to gather experience by imitation :)
 This is my progress after the initial blue pencil work..

The original

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Avengers Tribute!

Before the Amazing movie came out, I had a plan to draw each of the movie avengers and paint them digitally. That plan was half completed... haha but here's the results. Maybe i'll finish someday? :0
I like the way Hulk turned out much better that Iron Man

Much practice needed >_<

Well there's a little more of my work for ya, hope you like it :) 
Hopefully one day I'll be able to contribute to an animated film or Avengers comic- one step closer.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sketchbook update #1

Hey guys! So far the work I have put on the blog have all been from my watercolor sketchbook that I've been working in more lately. It's been fun but I realize my art probably seem very one dimensional to all of you so far, so I wanted to show some pieces from my regular sketchbook that I've done this month. I rely on a lot of different supplies and mediums depending on what I'm working on and how I feel so I hope you guys like the variety.Most of these sketches are done on my break at work, or in a local cafe. I'm trying to improve in my figure and gesture drawing, while creating interesting and compelling pictures. Hope you like them!

Sketching at work, can you guess were that is? haha

A deadpool picture to celebrate 100 followers on instagram :P

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thoughts and Perspective


If I were to ask you what your purpose in life was, what would you say? If you asked me, I would say... 
I don't know... 
I mean I definitely have ideas and I could give you a guess as to why I think I'm here, but I don't really know ya' know?
 I want to accomplish a great deal in this life, it being the only one I have. I don't want to spend my time slaving at what doesn't fulfill me and I don't want to worry about what's next.  I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
I suppose we all have thoughts about our purpose in life, I expect that my perspective is largely shared by some and equally strange to others.
This is what it all comes down to. 
Are not our closest friends those who in some small way share our unique sense of being and place in our lives?
And aren't the relationships that teach us the most those which differ from our usual way of thinking?
I think so.
I propose that these moments of enrichment are few and far between, that we could benefit from looking for them instead of waiting for them to come to us.
With all that said, I open it up to you. 
Comment, and tell me some things that you think about life and purpose and I will make illustrations and poems to the comments that I find most interesting :)
Hope you enjoy the pics! Much love-- Jarelle

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


My feelings

Every day I wake up
tempted with
Wounded Insecurity
These are my feelings
The Night has been long 
When will this dark decay into day?

How long have I been here?

That all 
important moment

When I Fall to my knees      and     Rise Again.
One more time Again

It will come again...
I'm Heavy
I do believe in Fate
I do believe in Destiny
and... I do believe I'm Ok
It's just
I have these feelings.

Jarelle Dampier